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The Olympic Games represent the absolute pinnacle of advertising events. 激动人心、得意洋洋、鼓舞人心,没有其他的电视分享体验能与之媲美. And in 2024, particularly for U.S. advertisers, the opportunity has never been richer.

有大量数据可以证明,奥运会的广告费总是花得物有所值. For example, we know that advertisers who run Olympics ads 生成的消息可记忆性比其他编程高42倍, 观众搜索他们在奥运会上看到的广告的可能性比在奥运会上看到的广告高47%. other competitive TV programming. 这是基于广告商在东京夏季奥运会上取得的成功,今年广告商甚至有更多的理由保持乐观. Here’s why.

Timing Is Everything

巴黎举办2024年奥运会的时机再好不过了——从很多方面来说都是如此. The past two Olympics, in Tokyo and Beijing, were literally halfway around the world, 巨大的时差给普通美国人带来了观看直播的挑战. In Paris, the time zone shift is far less substantial.

对于欧洲观众来说,大多数活动可能会安排在白天和晚上. For viewers in North America, 时差意味着许多赛事将在上午或中午播出. These days—that is, post-COVID, 当如此多的人在家办公或实行弹性工作制时,白天就成了新的黄金时间. 这意味着广告商将有机会达到显著的效果, 高价值的观众,他们的现场活动广告和赞助.

Big Screen and Multiscreen

In terms of linear programming, there will be 240+ hours of original Olympics coverage on NBC, up from 204 in Tokyo, which is just a drop in the bucket compared to the 1,250多小时的有线网络原创报道,包括美国24/7的报道. Daytime programming will air events as they happen live, while primetime will then re-air the best events from that day.

As with all TV viewing these days, 我们可以期待在奥运会期间看到很多多屏幕观看行为, 特别是当人们在旅途中或与朋友分享精彩的时候. For that reason, 广告商应该计划用跨设备和时移广告来补充他们的有线电视购买.

That said, 广告客户不应低估每个人客厅里的大屏幕在观看奥运会时所扮演的重要角色. The Summer Olympics only come around once every four years, and people want the best viewing experience possible. 所以,是的,广告商应该考虑多屏幕广告,但大屏幕广告仍然是优先考虑的.

The Paris Effect

Also, 对于运动员来说,巴黎将是一场巨大的胜利, viewers, and advertisers alike. 从埃菲尔铁塔体育场的沙滩排球到凡尔赛宫的马术比赛, 夏季奥运会的背景将绝对令人叹为观止. U.S. 与往年相比,观众将更有可能前往巴黎观看奥运会, 甚至那些在客厅里观看的人也会寻找能让他们沉浸在巴黎风景和声音中的内容. 广告商有一个巨大的机会来帮助观众,让他们觉得自己是这个魔术的一部分.

No Politics Here

At the same time, 预计2024年美国总统大选将特别有争议,而奥运会将成为一个急需的喘息机会.S. 支撑夏季奥运会的主题是不屈不挠的精神, national pride, 以及全球合作——将在那些厌倦了政治争吵和分裂的竞选策略的观众中产生前所未有的共鸣. Advertisers should embrace their opportunity to fuel that escape, along with a sense of optimism and unity.

Fresher Than Ever

Finally, 通过购买2024年奥运会的广告,广告商有望接触到比以往任何时候都更多样化的受众. That’s due in part to newer events like skateboarding, climbing, and surfing, as well as the Paris debut of breaking (i.e., breakdancing). In addition, the concurrent Paralympics, slated for Aug. 28-Sept. 8、作为与独特且高度参与的受众建立联系的机会也将脱颖而出. 

即将到来的2024年奥运会,有很多令人兴奋的理由. 从巴黎的美丽和历史到理想的观赏时间, audiences are expected to engage like never before. For advertisers large and small, 当观众沉浸在创造历史的过程中,他们将有比以往更多的方式与观众建立联系. 现在是时候确保你的品牌准备好充分利用这个前所未有的机会了.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from New York Interconnect. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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